At Equate Group, we are excited to support our Sales Director, Alex Davis, as he undertakes a monumental challenge: completing a triathlon in each of the 78 UK cities. This incredible journey, which started on April 15th in Oxford, is not just a test of endurance but a mission to raise £15,000 for three exceptional charities: the National Paralympic Heritage Trust, Auto Raise, and Oxford Hospital Charity.

The Challenge

Alex’s Triathlon Every UK City challenge is truly extraordinary. Over the year, he aims to complete:

Each triathlon will push Alex to his physical and mental limits, showcasing his dedication to both the sport and the causes he supports. Despite not being a professional triathlete, Alex’s passion for sports and his rigorous training prepare him for this grueling endeavor. Every event in this challenge follows closely on the heels of the last, leaving little time for recovery but highlighting true determination and resilience.

Support the National Paralympic Heritage Trust

The National Paralympic Heritage Trust is dedicated to preserving and celebrating the history of the Paralympic movement in the UK. Their mission is to inspire future generations by sharing stories of extraordinary achievements and the pioneering efforts of Paralympic athletes. The Trust promotes understanding and appreciation of disability sports, ensuring the legacy of Paralympic athletes continues to inspire and educate. Supporting the Trust helps fund exhibitions, educational programs, and community outreach initiatives that highlight the incredible stories of Paralympic athletes.

Learn more and contribute at National Paralympic Heritage Trust.

Follow them on social media:

Support Auto Raise

Auto Raise focuses on addressing the skills shortage in the vehicle repair industry by engaging young people and providing training and career opportunities. Through apprenticeships and partnerships with industry leaders, Auto Raise creates pathways for the next generation of vehicle repair professionals. Their work is crucial in maintaining high standards in the industry and nurturing young talent. Supporting Auto Raise helps secure the future of the vehicle repair industry and provides young people with valuable career opportunities.

Discover more about their initiatives and how to support them at Auto Raise.

Follow them on social media:

Support Oxford Hospital Charity

Oxford Hospital Charity supports hospitals across Oxfordshire, funding projects that go beyond what the NHS can provide. This includes purchasing state-of-the-art medical equipment, funding specialist medical training, and providing additional support services to enhance patient care. The charity plays a vital role in making hospital stays more comfortable for patients and their families, ensuring healthcare providers have the resources they need to deliver exceptional care. Donating to Oxford Hospital Charity directly contributes to improving healthcare outcomes for countless individuals.

Find out more about their impact and how to help at Oxford Hospital Charity.

Follow them on social media:

How to Support the Triathlon Every UK City Challenge

Alex Davis’s Triathlon Every UK City challenge is more than a personal quest—it’s a collective effort to support these incredible charities and make a difference in many lives. Here’s how you can get involved:

  1. Cheer Him On: Follow Alex’s progress on social media, attend the events in your city, and share his journey with your friends and family.
  2. Donate: Every contribution, no matter how small, helps Alex reach his fundraising goal and supports the important work of these charities. You can donate through Alex’s JustGiving page.
  3. Spread the Word: Use your social media platforms to raise awareness about the challenge and encourage others to support Alex and the charities.

Follow the Journey

Stay updated with Alex’s progress through live updates, photos, and stories from each leg of his journey. Visit our Triathlon Every UK City Challenge page for detailed event information, donation links, and inspiring updates from Alex himself.

Join us in celebrating this incredible journey and supporting the causes that matter. Together, we can help Alex make history, one city at a time! Let’s turn every stroke, pedal, and step into a step forward for these fantastic charities.

For more information and to support Alex, please visit:

To donate directly to Alex’s cause, please visit his JustGiving page.

Thank you for your support and encouragement as we cheer Alex on towards his goal!