Why Your Business Needs a Business Impact Analysis and Cyber Essentials Certification

Introduction In today’s fast-paced business world, staying compliant with laws and industry regulations isn’t just important—it’s crucial. A compliance programme minimises risk, boosts efficiency, and ensures your business operates smoothly. For many small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs), compliance can seem like a daunting task, especially without a dedicated compliance officer. Enter the Business Impact Analysis … Read more

We’re Thrilled to Announce…

Equate Group Ltd has once again successfully renewed our Cyber Essentials Plus Audit certification! 🎉🔒 As a Security First Managed Service Provider (MSP), we consistently strive to uphold the highest standards of cybersecurity. Our commitment to this rigorous certification underscores our dedication to protecting our customers and supply chains from ever-evolving cyber threats. Why Cyber … Read more

Guide to Improving Your Company’s Data Management

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Data is the lifeblood of modern businesses. It fuels insights, drives decision-making, and ultimately shapes your company’s success. But in today’s information age, data can quickly become overwhelming. Scattered spreadsheets, siloed databases, and inconsistent formatting. All these create a data management nightmare. This hinders your ability to leverage this valuable asset. Let this guide serve … Read more

How to Properly Deploy IoT on a Business Network

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The Internet of Things (IoT) is no longer a futuristic concept. It’s rapidly transforming industries and reshaping how businesses operate. IoT is a blanket term to describe smart devices that are internet enabled. One example is smart sensors monitoring production lines. Connected thermostats optimizing energy consumption is another. Experts project the number of connected devices … Read more

Do You Still Believe in These Common Tech Myths?

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In today’s digital age, technology plays a significant role in our lives. But along with the rapid advancements and innovations, several myths have persisted. Is it okay to leave your smartphone charging overnight? Do Macs get viruses? And what about those 5G towers? What’s going on with those? Common tech myths can often lead to … Read more

8 Tech Checks to Make Before You Travel

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Our technology inevitably comes with us when we travel. Most of us won’t even travel to the end of the block without our smartphones. When you go on a trip, not having your technology there when you need it can ruin your day. Travel smarter and more securely by doing several checks before you go. … Read more

Cybersecurity: The Elephant in the Room for MSPs in the UK

Cybersecurity is the elephant in the room for many MSPs in the UK. While it’s a critical aspect of their services, it’s often neglected or overlooked. This is a worrying trend, especially when you consider the increasing number of cyber attacks and data breaches. So, how can you make sure your MSP is taking cybersecurity … Read more