We’re Thrilled to Announce…

Equate Group Ltd has once again successfully renewed our Cyber Essentials Plus Audit certification! 🎉🔒 As a Security First Managed Service Provider (MSP), we consistently strive to uphold the highest standards of cybersecurity. Our commitment to this rigorous certification underscores our dedication to protecting our customers and supply chains from ever-evolving cyber threats. Why Cyber … Read more

You Won’t Believe the Surprising Benefits of an IT Audit – Don’t Neglect Your Business’s Technology Health Any Longer”

Let me ask you a question: How do you feel about paperwork? How about bureaucracy? And regulations? I bet you’re just thrilled at the thought, right? Well, let me introduce you to the IT audit: The ultimate trifecta of paperwork, bureaucracy, and regulations. Are you excited yet? You see, in today’s digital age, technology is … Read more